Friday, July 27, 2012

chemicals companies understanding of sustainability

Declaration 'understanding of sustainability in the chemical industry "

As a joint initiative of the chemical industry have the Federal Employers' Federation Chemistry (BAVC), the Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Union (IG BCE) and the Chemical Industry Association (VCI), the common understanding of sustainability formulated in the industry.
Chemical industry | Sustainability understanding | BAVC | IG BCE | VCI

The chemical industry sees itself today as an innovation driver for sustainable development. Literally it means: "To supply with food, clean water and medicines, resource efficiency and the rapid development of renewable energies, it makes a significant contribution as well as to environmentally friendly living concepts or the mobility of tomorrow. With the powerful, future-oriented social partnership between employers and workers in the chemical industry, for example, with the collective agreement "retirement age and demographics," a pioneer in the social and human dimensions of sustainability. "

To point engagement of business is called 'the statement said: "The companies perceive their social responsibility - locally, nationally and globally. They are involved in the local environment of sites and offices, and support at the national level, the process Wittenberg, a broad dialogue of chemicals and labor. Global wearing, for example through their involvement in networks such as the UN Global Compact and / or through their own CSR projects to achieve the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations. For their production and products, the Responsible Care program is scale. "

The multi-page explanation focuses on eight points: global trends, making sustainable development and the chemicals companies understanding of sustainability. chemistry as drivers of sustainable development, corporate engagement, future strategy in 2050, the joint action of VCI, IG BCE and BAVC, political and social dialogue; contributions of chemistry.

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